Memorandum of Association
Registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 at Mumbai on 30 th March, 1978
Name of the Society: All India Karate do Federation
Headquarter: 3, 1st Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai,Tamilnadu – 600020
(a) To be the controlling body of Karate Do in India.
(b) To promote and develop nationwide the true art and spiritual culture of Karate-do for physical culture, self-defense and amateur sport.
(c) To develop mutual understanding, mutual respect, spirit or unity, goodwill and fellowship among members and those interested in karate-do.
(d) To promote and organize regional/national championships, demonstrations seminars, clinics and camps.
(e) To standardize and control the quality of instructors for the betterment of the standard of karate-do and to arrange for instructions in karate-do to interested persons throughout India.
(f) To represent the country in National/International meetings and championships.
(g) To promote the standards of karate-do competitions and rules of refereeing and judging in accordance with amateur laws
Rules and Regulations of All India Karate-do Federation
Articles 1 : MEMBERSHIP
(i)The class of members will be :
( a) Corporate Member
(b) Associate member
(c ) Honorary member
(d) Patron-in-Chief/Patrons
(ii)Only Corporate members will be allowed to vote except when a corporate member of a particular state is not present and upon the governing body's approval an associate member of that state may be allowed to vote.
(iii)Any voting member has the right to be elected to any position in the Federation.
(iv)Any voting member may send his vote by post or authorize another to vote on his behalf. An authority letter to this effect must be produced.
(v)All classes of members shall be bound and abide by all decisions taken by the governing body and instructions issued by the headquarter of the Federation.
Any Karate-do organization representing a state is eligible for corporate membership if it meets the following requirements :
(i) Its objects are similar to those of the Federation and it promotes the art in that State.
(ii) It is a registered body in that state.
(iii) It agrees in writing to be bound by the memorandum and regulations of the Federation and acknowledges the same in writing.
(iv) Its Coach/Principal Chief Instructor is approved by the President/Vice President Technical of the Federation.
(v) It agrees to furnish every year a report of its activities and a roster of its members.
(vi) It agrees to expel or include any person/club/organization in/from its membership on the directive of the Federation.
(vii) It is registered as an amateur organization in its state.
(viii) It pays the membership fee/s set by the governing body.
Qualification to become an Associate Member shall be as follows :
(i) Any state origination which is not yet recognized/registered as an amateur state body in its state but which complies with the other requirements of the governing body or any other organization the governing deems fit may be admitted as an Associate member.
(ii)In all other matters the same requisites as for "Corporate Member" apply.
(i)Any person, office or organization may be admitted as a honorary member.
(ii)An honorary member by virtue of his special skills may be asked to attend Meetings and give technical assistance in an honorary capacity.
Any person, office or organization may be admitted to the Federation by the governing body and may be invited to attend meetings and training sessions in an advisory capacity by virtue of their special skills or at times where the governing body may deem fit.
(a) A register showing the names and particulars of all corporate, associate and honorary members shall be maintained at the secretariat.
(b)Secretary shall issue to each member an appropriate membership certificate.
(c)Membership certificates shall be signed by the Present, Vice President/Secretary, Vice President Technical.
Articles 3 : CHANGE OF NAME
(a) Where the name of a member includes such words which affect the identity of another State or purport to advertise or promote any trade names or commercial enterprise or any other reason the governing body deems appropriate, the Federation shall have the right to request for change of name.
(b)Change of name of any member shall be reported to the President and Secretary within one month after its change.
(a)Corporate members shall pay Rs. 10,000/- for the first year and Rs.5000/- annually thereafter.
(b)Associate members shall pay Rs. 5,000/- annually and when an associate member becomes eligible for corporate membership an extra Rs. 5,000/- for that year will have to be paid.
(c)Subscription becomes due in January each year and should be made payable to All India Karate do Federation
Any member (Corporate, Associate, Honorary, Patron) or any member of the governing body shall cease to be a member of all India Karate do Federation :
(a)On its / his / her resignation by a letter addressed to the Secretary to the Federation.
(b)On its violating any of the rules or regulations or objects of the Federation or for any activities not keeping with the spirit of karate-do.
(c)On absenting itself/himself from three consecutive meetings of the governing body without reasonable ground.
(1)There shall be a governing body of not more than "15" and not less than "7" members.
(2)Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation or an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Federation, with the exception of Vice President Technical.
(3)Office bearers of the Governing Body shall consist of President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Joint Gen. Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and Honorary Joint Treasurer.
(4)The President, Secretary or Treasurer may only hold office continuously for 2 terms of 4 years each. After the first term of 4 years the above office bearers shall be deemed elected if they receive a majority of not less than two-third of the votes. In the event of failure to obtain such majority, the concerned office bearers shall be deemed to have lost the election. The office would thereafter be filled by election under the normal procedure from amongst candidates other than the office bearer seeking re-election. No person who has already held the office of the President/Secretary/Treasurer in the Federation for two terms or eight years shall be eligible to seek re-election to any other of the above posts till the expiry of at least four years from the date on which he last vacated his office.
(5)The Office bearers shall be elected by the governing body form amongst themselves.
(6) Office of the Vice President Technical shall be permanent.
The term of the office bearers will be for a period of one year with eligibility for re-election for further period. The founder Technical Directors shall not stand for election every year but shall hold their term of office until they volunteer their own resignation.
The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the general body and executive committee. In the absence of the Chairman one of the members nominated by the Chairman shall act in his place. In the absence of the Chairman and nominated Vice-Chairman the meeting shall elect his own chair and will preside over that particular meeting only.
The duties and functions of the Honorary General Secretary are:
(1)To look after the welfare of the Federation and manage the same in accordance with its rules and regulations and the directions of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
(2) To be in charge of the office of the Federation and its properties.
(3)To carry on correspondence on behalf of the Federation.
(4)To call meetings and prepare a complete agenda for the Federation.
(5)To keep on record the proceedings of all the meetings of the Federation.
(6)To arrange for the collection of all dues of the Federation.
(7)To remit to the honorary Treasurer all collections made by him within ___ days thereof.
(8)To have authority to spend an amount not exceeding Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in an emergency. The honorary shall furnish him with the said sum of money on requisition. Such expenses incurred should be brought to the notice of the executive committee at the earliest opportunity.
The duties of the Honorary General Treasurer will be :
(i) To be responsible for the funds of the Federation.
(ii)To receive all collections from persons authorized to receive, on behalf of the Federation.
(iii)To make all payments this will from time to time be sanctioned by the executive committee.
(iv)To keep true and correct statements of all such receipts and expenditures in proper books of accounts.
(v)To bring to the notice of the executive committee any irregularity in receipt of the expenditure of Federation money.
(vi)To operate a joint saving bank account in a Nationalized Bank with the President, Honorary General Secretary and deposit the funds keeping a petty cash of Rs. 00/-
(vii)To help the honorary auditor in all possible ways in auditing the accounts of the Federation and to explain him such items, entries or mode of accounting adopted for which explanations may be called for, and
(viii)To submit an audited statement of the accounts of the Federation at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.
Articles 11 : MEETING
(1) A meeting of the Governing body shall be held once in six months at such place and time as the President or Secretary may determine. Voting by proxy or representation will be allowed provided an authorization letter is produced.
(2) Five Governing body members shall constitute a quorum.
(3) The President shall preside over all meetings of the Governing body and in his absence members present shall elect a chairman of the meeting. All questions before the meeting will be decided by a majority of votes, each member having one vote. The President or the Chairman shall take a second or casting vote in addition to his own vote in case of equality of votes.
(4) 20 days notice of the meeting specifying the place, time and general nature of work and business to be transacted shall be given to every member of the Governing Body. Emergency meeting may be called at 24 hours notice, with the concurrence of the President and one Vice President and details of emergency decisions taken must be informed to the governing body.
(5) Extraordinary General Meeting may be called if half of the members of the Governing Body desire it. An authorization letter to this effect should be circulated to all members at least 20 days in advance. If the meeting is not held within two months of the prescribed date the other members of the Governing Body are entitled to call the meeting and all decisions shall be binding of all members of the Federation.
The Governing Body shall have general powers of supervision and conduct over all the affairs of the Federation and its members and in particular shall discharge the following duties :
(a) To summon the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.
(b) To appoint sub committees with such powers and duties as may be considered necessary and expedient.
(c) To accept donations, gifts, subscription, property for the Federation.
(d) To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal with all or any part of the property of the Federation.
(e) To keep proper accounts of the Federation and to open bank account in the name of the Federation in one or more banks.
(f) Bank account will be operated jointly by the President, Secretary or Treasurer of the Federation. At least 2 out of the 3 must sign any mandatory transaction.
(g) To recognize grading of the instructors and to issue certificates to this effect. Such certificates will be valid only when signed by the Vice President Technical and President.
(1)The Governing Body or the trustees of the Federation shall be responsible for the safe custody of funds and assets of the Federation.
(2)The funds of the Federation shall be kept in some Nationalized Bank and be invested in any securities specified under section 20 of the Indian Trust Act 1882.
The books or account and other statutory books shall be kept at the registered/ head office and shall be open to inspection of the members of the Governing Body during usual office hours, and the same shall to open to inspection of the members at such time and place as the Governing body directs on a written request made by any member.
The accounting year of the Federation shall be January to December.
Amendments may be made by a two-third majority in General Body Meeting as per section 12 of Society Registration Act 1860.
The society will be dissolved as per section 13 and 14 of the Society Registration Act 1860.
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